Unleashing Summer: Embrace the End of the School Year and the Start of Your Next Adventure

Matthew Heneghan
4 min readJun 21, 2024


It’s here, the end of the school year. That metallic symphony of lockers slamming shut, textbooks being hurled with glee, and the collective breathless sigh of relief that wanders through the hallways like the students running for the doors. It’s a time when the shackles of routine are broken, and the promise of summer hangs in the air with the scent of lilacs, freshly cut grass, and teenage rebellion.

June is the month when the scholastic wheel grinds to a halt. The halls that once bustled with the frantic energy of students racing against the clock are now silent, save for the occasional janitor whistling a tune that’s half nostalgic, half glad-it’s-over. The final bell rings, signaling not just the end of the day but heralding the beginning of two glorious, untamed months of freedom.

Summer; the word itself is a breath of fresh air, a season that’s less about the sun and more about what you do in its light. It’s a time for bonfires on the beach, with flames that crackle and spark, mirroring the excitement and possibilities of youth. It’s for late-night drives with no particular destination, the windows rolled down, and the music cranked up, your worries left far behind in the rearview mirror.

It’s for staying out after the street-lamps come on and kids riding bikes until they’re too tired to pedal one more inch.

It’s for pool parties and ice-cream cones, or maybe some margaritas for those old enough and wishing to partake.

There’s a magic to summer that can’t be bottled or contained. Hell, it can barely be described let alone have its essence captured. It’s a spell that turns the mundane into the memorable. It’s in the lazy afternoons spent lying in the grass, the sun warming your skin as you melt into daydreams. It’s in the spontaneous road trips, the kind that start with a vague idea and end with stories that will be told and retold for years to come. It’s all those imperfect moments played out beneath perfect weather.

For those teetering on the edge of adulthood, summer is a last hurrah before the responsibilities of the real world come crashing in. It’s a time to live a little recklessly, to fall in love under the stars, to make mistakes and learn from them, or not. It’s a brief, golden window where anything feels possible, and the future, with all its uncertainties, can wait just a little bit longer. The summer after final graduation holds, in its warm winds, a false but beautiful promise of immortality.

I’m 41, and high school feels like yesterday, even on days where it feels like another lifetime. I still remember that first summer, the walks along the Salmon Arm Wharf, eating ice-cream until my stomach hurt, never gaining a pound. In the spears of summer sunlight that part the clouds and bathe our world, there’s a magic unique to only this time.

As the days grow longer and the nights warmer, remember that summer is more than a season — it’s a state of mind. It’s a reminder that life is not just about the grind but more importantly about the moments in between. So, let the end of the school year be the beginning of an adventure. Embrace the unknown, chase the sunsets, and make this summer one to remember.

Because before you know it, the leaves will turn, the air will chill, and the cycle will begin anew. But it won’t be the same, it never is. It never can be. For now, let the warmth of the sun and the freedom of summer remind you that life is, at its core, a beautiful, chaotic mess — best enjoyed with a cold drink in one hand and the promise of tomorrow in the other. There’s a wonderment to this time of year, don’t fight it — embrace it. It only lasts so long.

So here’s to the end of the school year and the start of summer. Here’s to the freedom to be wild, to get lost, to find yourself, and to live with intrepid spirit. Because summer is here, and it’s time to let your wild heart run free.

To those graduating, enjoy this time. You’ve earned it. Let the worries of tomorrow remain there for just a little longer; they’ll be there when it’s time to pick them up. Enjoy the summer, enjoy the ride. Life doesn’t start here, but a new and unique chapter does. Make sure you write a story you’re proud of, because one day you might be asked to read it.



Matthew Heneghan

Canadian veteran, paramedic, and author. Host of 'A Medic's Mind' podcast. Advocate for mental health, sharing stories of resilience and personal growth.